Sports rules
Place of fights – mat
- Koluchstyl sports fight takes place on the mat with a diameter of:
- 230cm for children and youth
- 280 cm for athletes over 16 years
- Sports mat consists of 18 wrestling mattresses with a thickness of 5 cm. Thickness of 3 cm is acceptable with greater density of fibers on square meter. Mattresses must be certified for sporting purposes.
- Length of mattress – 2 m, width – 1 m.
- To prepare a full complete mat the cover in the shape of square with a length of 5 m. This cover is designed exclusively for Koluchstyl with two blue circles marked in the middle (smaller 230 cm, greater 280 cm) separated with yellow. In the center of these circles there is a red and white sign yin – yang with an inscription in the middle “Koluchstyl”. On the outside of the circle a safety zone is marked.
- Athletes compete only on the ground, which is more safer for spectators. The safe distance from the edge of the mat for spectators is 1 meter.
- If competitions are run on two mats, the distance between them is 3 m.
- At two corners of the mat there are two side referee chairs placed diagonally. At the referee chair facing the referee table there is a red sash tied on the back of the player called as the first who should always go out on the right side of the central zone referee. The latter faces the referee table (can be turned sideways, and never back) and has eye contact with a chief referee. At the second chair of the side referee there is a stopwatch and gong.
Competitors – clothes
- Yellow, white and black T-shirts
- Blue or white Karateka and judoka short tied with a belt for martial arts.
- White socks are required for hygienic reasons
- Tight T-shirt of rash type can be worn underneath. It relates mainly women.
- During competition no metal objects and jewelry are allowed.
- Female competitors must tie hair with a rubber band. Long fingernails should be covered with patches.
- Competitor clothes should always be clean.
III. Fighting general rules
- Athletes compete only on the ground remembering that at least one knee touches the mat.
- Knee can be raised when an opponent jumps on the back, however it should not take longer than 1 second. When competitor does it slowly the referee should give the command “DO NOT GET UP ! If during one round, the referee gives this command “DO NOT GET UP” twice it means that he announces victory for the opponent.
- The fight in Koluchstyl consists of three one-minute rounds to two wins. In case of children and youth under the age of 16 years round lasts 30 seconds
- Breaks between rounds last 15b seconds
- Koluchstyl competitors use about 100 fighting techniques
IV. Techniques of pushing a competitor from the circle
- More than half of the competitor’s body must be outside the circle.
V. Techniques of strangling (choke)
- Strangling with hands by the neck. Firstly, athlete must twist around the truck of competitor with legs (strangling from the back)
- Triangle strangling with hands (head – shoulder) is allowed.
- Triangle strangling with legs (head – shoulder) is allowed.
- Triangle strangling with legs sitting on the competitor lying on stomach (sankaku) is allowed.
- Strangling of “guillotine type” (grasp the head with shoulder)
- Strangling with legs or hands for the head is forbidden.
- Strangling of “guillotine type” with a back flip is forbidden.
- Strangling of “guillotine type” only for the head is forbidden.
VI. Techniques of lever
- Levers are used on all joints of legs and hands. On applying the lever on the wrist one should remember to grasp at least for three fingers to avoid injury.
VII. Techniques of rolling out the circle
- These are techniques of turning competitor around the axis of the body. One of these techniques is a so-called “wrestling chariot”. Using this technique it should be remembered that when competitor is rolled out our foot should touch the mat.
VIII. Techniques of strikes
- Open palm strike to the chest and head commonly known as tsubari is allowed. Palm has to go straight like pushing.
- Side strikes are not allowed.
IX. Techniques of holding
- Holding the side when the opponent lies on the side
- Holding back when the opponent lies on his stomach
- Holding the front when the opponent lies on his back
- In any position of holding we must control the opponent graspi8ng two parts of the body, namely: shoulder – head; head – trunk; head – legs.
- Holding in Koluchstyl lasts 10 seconds. After the command “HOLDING” referee counts aloud to ten in the one seco9nd intervals. After 10 seconds the fight is won. If opponent holds us in guard or half-guard (embraces the trunk or one leg with legs) HOLDING may not be announced.
X. Techniques of bringing out
- Detaching the opponent from the mat and bringing out the circle
XI. Penalties
Penalties names are not used in Koluchstyl
- If a competitor gets up twice on his feet or takes off the knees from the mat, after the second warning of the referee, the fight is lost and victory is declared in favor of the opponent.
- Grasping the clothes is not allowed after a second warning of the referee – DO NOT GRASP – or after a command “FORBIDDEN ! the fight is interrupted and the victory is declared in favor of the opponent.
- The hit with fist or elbow in the face, putting fingers in eyes, grasp the hair and biting is not allowed. If the athlete did it deliberately, the referee should stop the fight already after the first attempt giving the command “STOP, FORBIDDEN!” and declare victory in favor of the opponent.
XII. Injuries
- In the event that a competitor is injured the fight is interrupted and the central referee calls the doctor who decides whether the competitor is able to fight on. Decision should be taken within 2 minutes. When the STOP! Command the referee turns on the stopwatch. The period of incapacity of competitor to fight and medical examinations may be extended to 3 minutes.
- If an injury is caused by competitor’s own fault or sustained without fault of the opponent an the competitor may not continue the fight, the winner is the opponent of the injured competitor.
- If the injury was caused by an opponent, he is disqualified and the winner is an injured competitor.
- In case of severe injury caused deliberately the competitor is disqualified by the end of competition.
- Physician decides whether an injured competitor is suitable for further fight. His decision is irrevocable.
XIII. Selection of athletes
- Athletes are selected individually or by their parent clubs in accordance with the rules set out in the announcement of competition.
- Athletes taking part in competition should be in good health and have valid medical examinations for combat sports.
- In the case of underage athletes consent of parents or guardians is required.
- In cases of doubt (lack of documents, late notification of athlete) the decision is taken by main referee in consultation with a physician.
- Athletes participate in competition at their own request and risk and cannot lodge any claim to the organizer or seek indemnity in the event of injury.
- If the fees are provided in the competition announcement they should be paid unless the athlete is exempted.
- Application of athlete and payment of the required fee means the acceptance of the rules without reservation.
- System of competition is always determined by the organizer and announced before competition. Depending on the number of athletes the cup-tie, individual or mixed system may be applied.
- The draw of athletes should take place without the participation of coaches and tutors by independent board of referees maintaining the division by age group, sex and weight taking into consideration that the finalists of the last Championship of Poland be in the opposite groups. The drawing must be objective and fair.
- Weight and age categories given in the announcement are valid on the day of competition.
- Presence of physician during competition is mandatory.
XIV. Referees
- The referees are assigned by the creator of the Koluchstyl who appoint referees for competition in agreement with the Sport Association Koluchstyl and World Organization Koluchstyl
- Category of referees in Koluchstyl may be assigned by the Sport Association Koluchstyl and World Organization Koluchstyl on request of the Style creator.
- Category of referees may be also assigned by international organizations promoting the Koluchstyl in agreement and on request of its creator or by the Sport Association Koluchstyl and World Organization Koluchstyl
- Division of referees in Koluchstyl
- Main referee responsible for the conduct of competitions
- Deputy of the main referee (one or two) supervising the competition on particular mats.
- Central referees acting directly on the mat.
- Sided referees (auxiliary)
- Referees responsible for the athlete’s list.
- Scoring referees.
XV. Referees costumes
- Main referee – black, grey or navy blue pants (skirt); white shirt or blouse with emblem “MAIN REFEREE”
- Central referee – white, grey or navy blue Eastern outfit (Chinese, Japanese or Indian) or black, grey or navy blue pants, white Polo shirt with emblem “REFEREE””; white socks, tapi.
- Sided referees – black, grey or navy blue pants, white shirt with emblem “SIDED REFEREE”
- Referee responsible for the athlete’s list and scoring referee – similar outfit as a main referee.
XVI. Rights and obligation of main referee
Main referee has the following rights:
- Determine the refereeing system for a given competition.
- Determine or change the referee composition on the mat as well as division of their functions.
- Appoint his deputies to competition’s control on the mats.
- Appoint or dismiss a referee from the conduct of competition in case of objections to the correctness of verdicts. The dismissed referee loses the right to allowances and cash equivalents, if any.
- Cancel the wrong decision of the sided referee.
- Change the central or sided referee, if necessary.
- Issue a decision on the outcome of the fight.
- Repeat the whole fight or round in justified and documented cases.
- Disqualify an athlete in the fight or competition in justified and documented cases. Particularly, in flagrant cases a lifetime disqualification it may be a lifetime disqualification which must be confirmed by the Sport Association Koluchstyl and World Organization Koluchstyl
XVII. Rights and obligations of central referee and fight conducting
- He is responsible for the conduct of the fight on his mat (from entry to mat until leaving after the fight)
- Supervises whether the fight and all rituals are consistent with rules.
Course of the fight
- Prior to the fight he checks whether athletes are properly dressed, have no metal objects, long fingernails, jewelry and dirty clothes.
- Ensures that the players entering the mat bow each other and if not, he gives the command – “NOD” !
- Draws attention to the athletes after the command “POSITION” not to lay hands on the inscription Koluchstyl, if they do so, the referee gives the command “HANDS BACK”. If they do not react, he walks over and gently touches their hands, repeating “HANDS BACK !”.
- After the command “POSITION” (athletes kneel facing each other), he give the command – “ATTACK” !
- After the win of one of the athlete (through rolling out, lever, choke, holding or bringing out as signaled by athlete) the referee gives the command – “STOP!” In case of the lever or choke he strikes the athlete who applies a technique with open hand to his shoulder, back or leg saying “STOP!” the fight is over.
- In case of the holding the referee gives the command “HOLDING” and begins to count: “ONE. TWO…. TEN” with a rhythmic hand gesture from top to bottom. Upon release from the holding the referee says: “NO HOLDING”! If the holding is applied to the end, the referee instead of saying “TEN”, says “END OF HOLDING”
- After the win of the athlete, the referee gives the command “ADOPT A POSITION” and announces the win of the round. Referee orders a break until 15 seconds by gesture of lifting his hands up allowing the athletes to adjust clothing, then gives the command “PREPARE FOR SECOND ROUND !” or “THIRD DECISIVE ROUND!”
- If the round is inconclusive after 1 minute the sided referee strikes the gong announcing the end of the round – central referee gives the command “POSITION” (athletes kneel facing each other on the edge of the circle) and the command “PREPARE FOR REFEREE DECISION”. At this time the sided referees take the flags (right hand – red flag, left hand – white one. Then, on the command “REFEREE DECISION”, not looking at each other (not suggesting the win), the referees lift one of the flags, while the main referee lift white or red card announcing the win of the indicated athlete.
- If an athlete wins two rounds the referee announces his win saying “WINNER OF THE ROUND, WINNER OF THE FIGHT!”
- After the fight athletes bow to each other, and if not the referee orders “NOD!”
- Central referee uses the red and white card (two cards). When an athlete bearing the red sash won the referee takes a red card in his right hand. Two cards of the same color mean the win of an athlete. After the win central referee raises the card (in an appropriate color) and shows it to main referee and to referee responsible for the list announcing which athlete won the fight.
- Central referee is obliged to check whether the sided referees are prepared for refereeing.
- If the central referee has doubts as to applied fighting technique or if he did not notice which athlete went beyond the fighting field, he should give the command “STOP!” – “GO TO SITE” and call the referees for consultation. The sided referees must remove shoes before entering the mat.
- Central referee may consult one of the sided referees on the side of which the action was performed. Sided referee is not allowed to enter the mat and may indicate the winner from his post or say: red or white.
- Central referee may interrupt the fight if he sees the raised hand of the sided referee during the action. He gives the command – “STOP!” – DO NOT CHANGE POSITION!” and approaches to sided referee for consultations.
- Central referee may not take into account a raised hand of the sided referee if the action is correctly performed.
XVIII. Rights and obligation of sided referee.
- Two sided referees (sitting on the chairs on the mat corners diagonally) assist the central referee in conducting the fight.
- Sided referee who sits facing the central referee table is responsible for binding the sash for the athlete designated as the first and for ensuring that the sash is put on its place after fighting.
- Second sided referee is responsible for gong and stopwatch (timer). He turns on the timer at the moment of the command “ATACK!” (1 minute round or 30 second for younger group of athletes)
- Sided referees assist the main referee to appoint the winner when round ended with gong by raising (white or red) flag for a more active athlete.
- If central referee has doubts as to performed action the sided referees help him in deciding.
- If central referee does not notice that the athlete went out the circle or performed an unauthorized action the sided referee should react by raising his hand.
- Sided referee should get up from his chair when the central referee calls for interrupting the fight if the central referee does not hear and cannot see it.
- Sided referees supervising the fight on the mat should also observe the safety zone and warn the doping athletes not approach too close to the fighting place.
XIX. Rights and obligations of list managers.
- Calling a particular pair of athletes scheduled from the draw.
- Recording the list of winners (crossing schedule)
- Calling the pairs of athletes that are preparing for the next fight.
- In case of any doubt they consult it with a main referee.
- They assist the main referee or any person designated by him in preparing diplomas.
XX. Right and obligations of scoring referees
- Scoring referees are responsible for settlement of allowances, rewards and remunerations for athletes, referees and physician)
XXI. Organizational communiqué
The organizer is obliged to send to the author of Koluchstyl and to the Sport Association Koluchstyl and World Organization Koluchstyl a project of communiqué of all-Polish competition at least 30 days before the competition which after confirmation is sent to the interested sports clubs.
The above communiqué should contain:
1. Name of competition
2. Name of organizer
3. Date of competition
4. Place of competition
5. Mailing address (fax, phone, e-mail, address), office hours of the organizational bureau,
Name of responsible person
6. Age and weight categories
7. Prizes provided by the organizer
8. Booking and prices of accommodation
9. Date of technical briefing and place of weighing
10. Date and place of official weighing and medical examinations
11. Transportation
12. Minute schedule
13. Hour of competition commencement and termination and ceremony of athlete decoration.
XXII. Weight categories
The weight categories are given in the communiqué and may vary depending on the number of participants.
1. Female seniors: 56 kg, 64 kg, 75 kg + 75 kg
2. Seniors: 65 kg, 73 kg, 82 kg, 91 kg, 109 kg + 109 kg
3. Youth (17 – 20 years)
* Girls: 55 kg, 62 kg, 73 kg
* Boys: 61 kg, 70 kg, 82 kg, 100 kg + 100 kg
4. Juniors (14 – 16 years)
* Girls: 45 kg, 52 kg, 61 kg + 61 kg
* Boys: 55 kg, 64 kg, 73 kg, 82 kg, 91 kg + 91 kg
5. Children and cadets (up to 14 years): we are trying to determine the weights of athletes depending on the number of participants, so that the difference between weight categories should not exceed 5 kg, for example: 40 kg – next category: 45 kg. Number of weight categories is set out in the communiqué, e.g 5. We prepare 5 sets of the cups indicating the range, date and place of competition without weight category. After weighing the athletes on competition 5 categories are determined. The medalist weight is given on the diplomas. Weights categories may vary in particular age groups. It depends upon the development of this sports discipline and new participants.
XXIII. List of accessories for one mat
1. Gong
2. Stopwatch
3. Two red flags
4. Two white flags
5. Two red cards
6. Two white cards
7. 18 mattresses
8. Cover Koluchstyl
9. Red sash
10. Two chairs
Before each competition a training referee designated by the style creator leads one hour seminar for referees and athletes. Each referee is obliged to purchase the regulations from the Koluchstyl creator, main referee or from the Sport Association Koluchstyl and World Organization Koluchstyl to learn it and familiarize the athletes.
Creator of the Koluchstyl
Wieslaw Koluch